Dear Reader

Thank you for visiting my page and stopping by!

I would love to learn more about you, although, this page supposed to be About Me! You see, I am a people orientated person, with a solution focused mindset and a practical approach to business, career and life. I have built my coaching practice on rich work experience, strong academical background, passion for bringing the best out of others, and never-ending personal development.

When I was seven years old, I asked my granny to pay for my English classes, as I had a strong belief: one day I find myself in the English-speaking country and so here I am, after 20 years, I moved to Ireland! This is my home now: magical, friendly and supportive country, full of multinational and multicultural communities, and infinite opportunities for everyone.

From a professional point of view, I hold the Master’s Degree in Coaching, several top-end certificates related to this field and, to Neuroscience, which I have been following for the past ten years. Our brain is so fascinating! And there are still many aspects we need to explore and learn, but research is getting closer to a better understanding of our mind.

And finally, coaching partnership: the work I enjoy the most! In less than two years, I have coached successfully over 30 clients and several teams, from 14 different countries. We are talking about more than 200 hours of professional coaching, while still working full time in a different role, studying and taking care of my family and friends. So many roles we all play in our business, career and life!

I hope this gives you a better idea who I am, and I am looking forward to working with you!